
Western NY Center for Research on Flavored Tobacco Products (CRoFT).

CRoFT is a National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded center with aim to provide timely data on the flavored chemical constituents of e-cigarettes and their relative harm from 2018-2023. Flavorings.org is a publicly available online database sponsored by this center with information regarding product variation as well as chemical composition of flavors. The goal of this database is to inform consumers, scientists and regulators what flavor chemicals and their concentrations are present in e-cigarettes to promote informed decisions.

Nicotine and Tobacco Product Assessment Shared Resource (NicoTAR)

NicoTAR located in Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY preformed all work related to this study. NicoTAR provides comprehensive testing of tobacco and nicotine-containing products. Application examples include measuring concentrations of nicotine, as well as known carcinogens. In addition to product testing, NicoTAR provides analysis of biomarkers of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand and third hand tobacco smoke.

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Founded in 1898 Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center is the United States first cancer research, treatment, and education center, and is the only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center in Upstate New York and one of 40 such centers in the United States. Roswell Park provides total care to the cancer patient, to conducting research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of cancer, and to educating the public and the next generation of those who study and treat cancer.